Sunday, August 24, 2008

Here's To All You Good Intentions

No, no- I did not make a grammatical error in my title, I meant it.

See, I have a problem that I am sure is ubiquitous amongst the human race. I start off with these great ideas, promise myself that I will do them, promise others I will do them, but when push comes to shove, nothing comes to fruition. It's a disease, if you ask me.

For example, this summer, I wanted to build a treehouse. Not some dinky-ass lame piece of crap lumber suspended perilously two feet off the ground. No. I wanted the 25 square foot platform, complete with rope ladder, trap doors, and ultimately roof. All of this a modest seven feet off the ground. So May rolls along, nothing happens. June rolls along, "Oh, as soon as July starts!". Yeah right. Turns out, a lot of my friends went to the Mu Alpha Theta Nationals in July. July rolls along. Nada. So it's August 24, and all I have to show for hours of intense research and thinking are four lag screws and a few plans. How's that for failure?

So what is this post ultimately about? It's to say sorry to all of my great ideas (sane or otherwise), and to pinky-swear that I will complete these unaccomplished tasks. I'm talking to you; LED Thowies Party, Treehouse, DIY USB Nerf Guided Missile Launcher ( "DUNGML" for short- but I like to say it like "Dung-Mill" because of the added imagery! ^-^), and Cure for Cancer! Okay, okay- within reason- but still! I will try!

- Jonathan

1 comment:

Noelle Carter said...

Haha. I agree with you post! It's funny, because I just read it after I made my post, and they are somewhat similar. Go Junior year!

PS: LED Throwies would still be AMAZING.