Monday, August 25, 2008

Take A Deep Breath And Don't Blink

We are all so damn young!

I had a little epiphany today while waiting for a person in the school parking lot when it struck me. I tried to imagine myself next year, applying to college, and the year after, attending college. That's only two years off! A little more than 700 days! Will we all mature more in the time in between? Perhaps.. but to be quite honest, I'm begining to have a little terror in my heart when I realize that it could be tomorrow that I am doing what the class of '08 is doing, and attend college classes. Give or take a few 700 days.

But seriously, when do we all mature to the point that we are "ready" for college? I can't say quite yet, since I'm not attending college, but I can try and piggy-back on the emotions of those going off to college now. After reading several college move-in and first class stories on blogs this past week, it seems as if a lot of last year's seniors that are starting college all seem to be a little unprepared mentally for this four year (hopefully) degree. I guess they might feel more assimilated once a week or two rolls past, but it does seem like they too feel a little overwhelmed. Then again, who am I to speak for them? However, it made me realize that my turn is very soon. Somehow, this made me a little lonely.

Where childhood summers with play dates and ice cream slipping behind me, I feel like we're being slung up the roller coaster at an exponential rate. Don't get me wrong- I like the here and now, there's a time of nostalgia and I'm not trying to cling to the past, but I do certainly feel like I'm about to be flung off the face of the Earth is this ride goes any faster.

I feel like that if I blink, I'm going to miss entire weeks out of my life. I know it's still a ways off before I have to even think about applying, but living vicariously with these seniors who went off to college, I certainly feel the pressure.

- Jonathan

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